Thursday, December 24, 2009
Bionicle Stars Commecial released on youtube!
Merry Christmas EVE!
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Merry Christmas!
Monday, November 30, 2009
Bionicle Stars Tahu Review and Thanks!
And here's the video of the next star: Tahu. Enjoy!
Merry Christmas!
(Please comment)
Friday, November 27, 2009
Bionicle: Epilogue
They will, however, be making a new toy from the makers of BIONICLE for younger children. Not much high hopes for that, but hey. It's lego. Let's see what it is before we let it go.
But they WILL keep the storyline going at . Don't know why, because I never visit the site anyway and the toys were the WHOLE THING of bionicle.
So what to do with my blog? I'm thinking of switching to Halo from Xbox. Why? Cause it's awesome(In my opinion).
I feel like starting a petition, but it's like using a feather to stop an oncoming train at 200 mph.
Should I keep blogging about bionicle's story line? Or Let it go or move on to halo? Or should I just blog about both? I'm confused. Comment below.(ANYBODY CAN COMMENT.)
Monday, November 16, 2009
Saturday, November 14, 2009
I got a Star!
They're just very tall Agori/Av-Matoran. The Gold pieces fit on Tahu and make him look cooler. There's nothing related to the storyline in the canister. The Skadiki is just called "Piraka." Nothing really exciting.....................
Pictures and more coming later.
(Yeah, I'm kind of negitive, it's just that the stars are kind of a disapointment.)
Thursday, November 12, 2009
As many stars as I could find
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
And for bionicles, well, not much. But I have gottan into the video game Halo(1-3) for the Xbox. I've also been reading the books. It's(Trying to hold in excitement) AWESOME.
But here's a little video I posted on my channel about my cats. Hope you like it:
See ya later!
Friday, October 30, 2009
Something's coming from the Stars!
Number one:
Number 2 is the one I am currently using.
And second, has just said that the winter lego club magazine is shipping. And as some of you may know, they contain awesome Bionicle comic books in them. Inside the magazine is a flabergasting(Suprising) teaser inside:
The figure appears to be wearing a hau, and some weird "Star" thing in the chest. Tahu, perhaps?
Please comment,
Friday, October 23, 2009
Bionicle 3 Screenshots found!
Monday, October 12, 2009
Bionicle Stars are Canon????
Thursday, October 8, 2009
(At the very bottom of my blog is a player with all my youtube videos on it.... enjoy!)
Saturday, October 3, 2009
New Layout
Please comment. Also, Target's making a sale on the Glatorian Legends.... Making room for new bionicles, perhaps?
Friday, October 2, 2009
Tonight is the night! also put up a new thing: "The secret lab". It's an outtake from the legend reborn movie. You should check that out, too.
Also, I can upload pictures now! AWESOME!
Please comment,
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Legend Reborn Exclusive at Nicktoons Network!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Bionicle Stationary Set
Please comment,
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Web shooter and legend reborn out in stores!
And now, the UB Funkey news:
I got the webbly web shooter! Yeah, I forgot to say that I got a new, rare, webbly. And on the 1st day(really the 2nd, sorta), I already got the shooter. Which means, I also got the orb! Now that's 3 orbs now!
My computer is having problems, thus meaning that I cannot upoad pictures. It's bugs me, and my dad will have to fix it.... eventually.
Now go, go and buy that new and awesome movie!
Please Comment,
youtube channel:
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Legend Reborn Commercials Popping Up!
And so, the countdown begins, to a legend reborn!
Please comment(Anonymous people may comment now, three bad comments though and it gets taken away)
Monday, September 7, 2009
Attention To people who saw The Legend Reborn Already on Youtube!
Well, did you watch it? If so, BAD IDEA. That is a pirated copy, and is illigal. That guy is breaking the law. It's kinda "Cheating" in a way. So people, DO NOT WATCH THE LEGEND REBORN ON YOUTUBE! IT IS ILLIGAL AND YOU WOULD BE COMMITING A CRIME.
Scary, isn't it?
Monday, August 31, 2009
New ace and mulch game things?
Thank you for understanding. Contact me in the chat room any time.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Paradox Green Funkey Review!(part 1)

Here's Rastro and Tadd, the Very rare forms. Which are the only very rare forms out in stores right now.

Here's the back of Ace and Mulch with the Blustry turbine on Mulch and the Prototype Jetpack on Ace.

The jetpack and turbine also go on other funkeys, and they actually stay on the original funkeys better than the game creators.

On the back of the game creator packaging, the funkey's outline is pererated so you can take them out easyer- plus it makes a nice little stand for them, too.

Friday, August 21, 2009
I GOT MULCH AND TADD and info on party
So yeah, that's pretty much it.
Also, check out my youtube channel. It has really cool videos, and I might post them here from time to time.
Please comment,
Friday, August 14, 2009
Interveiw with a Mulch
1. Are there trophies for Mulch and Ace?
Yes, there are trophies for Mulch and Ace.

Thursday, August 13, 2009
Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Awesome! (Yes, I know that 18 bucks is a lot but I do have a lot of extra money and it is my favroite funkey and it IS from akaabby so, oh well. worth it)
Once I get mulch (August 20 or 21) I'm hosting a Paradox green party. You don't need a paradox green figure to come. My buddy list is very full, so I'm gonna have to delete some guys. Better hurry and get on muy buddys list while you can. I'm always on ub funkeys(Try around 2 o'clock central time) cause I'm probobly always on then. My garage is a replica of paradox green, which a couple people who have seen it think it's very cool.
Official date of party will be released when I get mulch.
Please post,
The Blackest Hole!
Friday, August 7, 2009
BLACKEST HOLE and some big news! READ THIS!
Worried about it? Don't worry, it only has a couple new things on it. like a chat page, little club (Anyone can join, to join you must find the hidden link), and a place for stories like BTM and funkey troop.
I GOT THE BLACKEST HOLE! Which means, I can kill henchman 2.0! Plus, you don't need the funkey to get the items, trophy, game in your game room and that stuff. wow. so, that's kinda nice.
please post and check out my site!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
New and awesome Paradox Green pics and updates!***UPDATED***
. He has beaten paradox green. But look at these pictures!

Saturday, August 1, 2009
Mulch and Ace Tracker
Obviously at the bottom of my blog there is an ebay tracker which tracks all of the Paradox Green funkeys on ebay. But what if you just want the game creators? Well there you go! I personally wanted a game creator searcher for myself, also.
1. Oh my gosh! I went to target. And, in the funkey isle, they had empty rackes labled "PARADOX GREEN FUNKEY SINGLE"!!! Also, a video thing was there with an ad for funkeys. I hit the "Press here" button, and it was a NEW ubfunkeys ad with jerry talking about it. at the end, he SHOWED ACE BEING PLUGED INTO THE UB HUB, and was playing a game I THINK I MADE!!!! Wow..... and on the side of the video player it was a line up of funkeys with DC HERO funkeys in it! Joker, batman and superman. wow.
2. Making a new funkey troop, although some people said they don't like it. Well sorry, it's fun to write. Almost done with the first part.
3. Because my site is suprisingly popular, how would it be if I expanded? You know, keep the blog but make other things for it? Like a Yola-made website. Or a forum(which everybody else has)? I think it would be cool. You can vote on it on the side.
Thanks. Now I must be getting back to writing the funkey troop...
Please post,
Friday, July 31, 2009
Funkey Troop: Chapter two pt. one
Almost there...
Peace was running tword the Tadd Pad, dodging every funkey, every tree branch, and every leaf. He absolutely HAD to get there.
As he entered the game room, there were tadds everywhere. Peace looked around to see if he could find who he was looking for, but no luck.
Finally, he saw who he was looking for. A Very rare Tadd with his Rare tadd brother were sitting next to the Game room's store. He ran over to them and opened his backpack.
"Hey! Hey!" Peace called over. The two tadd brothers turned and saw peace running tword them.
"Sorry I wasn't able to give this to you after so long. The great disaster post poned my chances of selling it to you." Peaced searched around in his backpack. The Rare Tadd spoke. "Oh, that's fine. We were playing lily tadd tiles while waiting for you." Peace looked up. "THAT long? I mean, how could you play that game for so long?"
"When we weren't, we helped Doc with the Gnomon tree." The tadd replied. "Oh, well that makes seince.... Ah ha!"
A tadd familiar poped out of the bag and swirled around the Very Rare tadd, who did not look amused. "please excuse my brother. He does not like waiting for so long." "Well, I apologoze, but the great disaster was not my fault, you know." "Hrumph." The very rare tadd looked away.
"Oh, kay? Well, I've got to go now." Peace turned to the door. "Wait!" The rare tadd caught up to him. "It is the time of year where I must travel across terripinia to find the perfect place to stay. May I walk out of the door with you?" Peace looked at him for a moment. "Fine, why not."
As they got out of the door, Leaf, an adventerus Mulch was waiting for Peace next to the door. "there you are. don't think after not seeing you for what felt like an eternity will stop you from hanging out with me." Leaf gave him a Take-that-I-so-pwned-you look.
The tadd looked at Leaf. "what is your name?' he stuck out his hand."Leaf. What's yours?" "Mine? Oh. Croak." Leaf shook his hand.
Peace looked at Leaf. "Oh. Leaf. I'm going to need you for something." He took out a portal jammer.
"Oh... oh YES!!!" Leaf jumped up and down and snatched the jammer. "Whatever it is, if it involves blowing henchman up or knocking them off a cliff I am IN!" Croak cocked his head. "wait... what did you do?"
"Kick henchman BUTT! THAT'S what we did." Croak looked at Peace. "Seriously? Are you an advenrturer?" Peace shruged. "Well, yeah. All we did was take down the henchlord-" "Can I come with you?" Croak held his hands together with delight.
Peace looked at him again. He looked at Leaf. Then, to his suprise, a henchman 2.0 ran right at them. "Sure! Sure whatever but right now we'd better RUN!"
Please post on what you think.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Comic Con Funkey Pictures Released!
And special thanks to Frogboy96 for putting it on his blog. YOu should check it out- it's really cool.