Friday, October 30, 2009

Something's coming from the Stars!

First off, what do you think of this avatar I made? I'm thinking of it to replace my current avatar(My current avatar is the one down balow, which is a link to my Youtube channel.). Do you like it? Vote on the poll to the right and choose.

Number one:

Number 2 is the one I am currently using.

And second, has just said that the winter lego club magazine is shipping. And as some of you may know, they contain awesome Bionicle comic books in them. Inside the magazine is a flabergasting(Suprising) teaser inside:

The figure appears to be wearing a hau, and some weird "Star" thing in the chest. Tahu, perhaps?

Please comment,


Friday, October 23, 2009

Bionicle 3 Screenshots found!

Initywebplayer just released on it's site screenshots of the NEWEST bionicle 3D game: Bionicle Glatorian Arena 3! Check it out!

Apperantly it's a mixture of both the games. Maybe, just maybe, they'll let vehicals in, too.
Please comment!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Bionicle Stars are Canon????

Gresh96 just posted on his blog that Greg F. just released that Teridax WILL BE coming to bara magna. Also that mata nui and his crew proboby won't (Spoilers) reach the maze as shown in the end of the legend reborn untill the end of the year. Now, I don't know where he got this information, but right now let's wait and see.


Thursday, October 8, 2009

Woah! Remember when I said nicktoons was having the legend reborn on soon? Well, just posted their reaser on their website! YOU should go check it out- oh, wait, you don't need to. Just watch it below!

(At the very bottom of my blog is a player with all my youtube videos on it.... enjoy!)

Saturday, October 3, 2009

New Layout

Yep. Now the blog looks awesomely-different! Awesome!
Please comment. Also, Target's making a sale on the Glatorian Legends.... Making room for new bionicles, perhaps?


Friday, October 2, 2009

Tonight is the night!

Hey guys! Nicktoon networdk airs the new legend reborn thing tonight- you should check t out! also put up a new thing: "The secret lab". It's an outtake from the legend reborn movie. You should check that out, too.

Also, I can upload pictures now! AWESOME!

Please comment,
