Friday, November 19, 2010

So, this is goodbye.

Wow, such memories. Some good, some bad. But I don't know what to do with this thing that keeps nagging me, saying "You still need to make a post, you need to make a post..." So I guess I'll just end the blog. You know, I've moved on to something else. This blog and other stuff has helped me grow in my interests- Video editing, halo, Apple, my Faith, everything. I was thinking of just changing the blog to something else, but no.... might as well end it.

Funkeys was really fun. I think I will get the last shard I need to collect everything.

Bionicle was amazing. Helped me a lot. Missing ONE more star...............(Rahkshi)

So yeah. It was a really good and fun run. I think I might look back on this blog once every great while, so you can comment if you want below. I am waaay more active on my youtube, link to the right sidebar.

Hope you all have fun in your life.

