Thursday, April 9, 2009

Bionicle: The mission pt 11

OK! After a long long long long long long long long LONG time, here it is!!!
Tarix: Ok, I think we can rest here for the night.
Berix: Zzzzzz...
Strakk: So, why is Malum trying to kill me?
Tarix: Gresh would know. He was there.
Gresh: Yes, but Berix was referee.
Berix: Me???
Berix: *sigh* Yes. It was a close call...

4 days ago...

Berix: It was right after Gresh hit Malum with his thornax.
Malum: Ugh!
Berix: Right before Gresh struck Malum with his thornax, Malum fired his. Gresh's thornax Malum first, though.

Malum: One... quick... shot...
Berix: I hereby make Gresh the winner!
Gresh: Oomph!
Berix: What?
Malum: Yes! I won!
Berix: Malum, no. Gresh hit you first. He won.
Malum: Grrrrr.
Malum: Come on, Vorox.
Vorox: Hissssssss
Berix:What was that about?
Gresh: I'm not sure...

Preasent day...

Tarix: So... Malum thinks he won although he was off by 7 seconds?
Berix: Yeah. He just doesn't see it.
Strakk: Just goes to show you how crazy some guys can be.
Raanu: Well I think we should head back to Vulcanus.
Tarduk: Vulcanus? Why not Iconox? We're in it's direction.
Gresh: Yes, or Tesara? We're not far from it either.
Raanu: I mean, because Vulcanus has a great arena. And that should be a good place for the final arena battle against Malum and Strakk- to stop this madness.
Strakk: Sure. Bring it on.
Malum: Yes. Bring it on indeed...


Sorry it was so long. I'll post the April fools Club Penguin party review later. My computer has been acting up (Freezing up a lot)and my virus protection is terrable, so we don't know about a virus.
If there IS a virus, and we have to take it in to be fixed, I will post BTM12 and 13(maybe 14) because I don't know how long it will take.(DO NOT GET YOUR HOPES UP AND HOPE THAT I GET A VIRUS. lol) So, yeah.
Please post,



Bioduel said...

Did you upgrade the pc yet? Or you need a new pc.

flagster said...

nice job! though did you visit my new game review blog yet? well anyway great job on BTM 11 and happy easter!

Gresh96 said...

very awsome! can't wait 4 the next parts. sorry i haven't been on 4 a while. happy easter.

Onewa80 said...

Xander: No, our computer is new.
Flagster: Oh, yeah. cool blog.
Gresh96: Thanks, Gresh!
