Monday, March 23, 2009

Bionicle: The mission pt 9

Okay! Sorry It's a small one...
Strakk: *sigh* Everything is peaceful... for now.
???: Strakk!
Strakk: Metus? What's going on? Why are you here?
Metus: *huff* I came to *puff* WARN you!
Strakk: What?
Metus: Malum and *puff* others are trying to kill you- for reasons unknown!
Strakk: So people are wanting to kill me, is that it? Cool. I'm gonna wanna see this.
Metus: Here. I need to tell you what happened:

Gresh: Owww...
Malum: This is simple. We go, kill Gresh, and leave.
Skrall: Hello, Glatorian and Agori.
Tarix: What are you doing here?
Gresh: Get... away...
Tarix: Oomph!
Gresh: Tarix...!
Tarduk: What's going on here...?
Raanu: Tarduk! Help us!
Gresh: Metus...
Metus: Gresh! What?
Gresh: You can go faster than us right now... You have to... Warn Strakk!
Metus: I can't leave you!
Gresh: You've got to!
Metus: We have to go and aid them!
Strakk: Fine. This'll be fun...

Like it? Please post,



Steven said...

my cousin has both Tarix and Strakk.

Onewa80 said...



Bioduel said...

guss what. I post 2 new parts of tdobm.

Bioduel said...

Oh I forgot the link. Onewa. Do you want to be an author on my blog?

Onewa80 said...

Sure! I'd love to.


Bioduel said...

I need you fake email or you email to make you an author.

Onewa80 said...

What do you mean by that???


Bioduel said...

If I don't have your email I can't make you author of my blog.

Bioduel said...

onewa: is your email is or

Gresh96 said...

Can't wait til the next one! How long will it be til it comes out?

flagster said...

this is AWESOME!!!!!if i were you,i'd make up a glatorian to save the day. maybe you can call it..... sirux? or maybe nituv? please take my advice PLEASE

sincerly flagster

Bioduel said...

YAY! p.s MATA NUI!!!

Onewa80 said...

BTM 10 will take a looooooong time.
Two weeks, tops?
I need a new memory card for the camera. My old one.... well that's a long story.
Because it's the tenth one, there's gonna be awesomeness in it.


Onewa80 said...

Oh, and flagster?
Not really... I already have it planned out.
