Friday, July 31, 2009

Funkey Troop: Chapter two pt. one

Although people didn't like the funkey troop mini-series I made, I still wanted to do it. One, cause it's FUN. Two, I keep getting these great ideas and they won't stop coming! So I'll have to unleash them on you. Lol.

Almost there...

Peace was running tword the Tadd Pad, dodging every funkey, every tree branch, and every leaf. He absolutely HAD to get there.

As he entered the game room, there were tadds everywhere. Peace looked around to see if he could find who he was looking for, but no luck.

Finally, he saw who he was looking for. A Very rare Tadd with his Rare tadd brother were sitting next to the Game room's store. He ran over to them and opened his backpack.

"Hey! Hey!" Peace called over. The two tadd brothers turned and saw peace running tword them.

"Sorry I wasn't able to give this to you after so long. The great disaster post poned my chances of selling it to you." Peaced searched around in his backpack. The Rare Tadd spoke. "Oh, that's fine. We were playing lily tadd tiles while waiting for you." Peace looked up. "THAT long? I mean, how could you play that game for so long?"

"When we weren't, we helped Doc with the Gnomon tree." The tadd replied. "Oh, well that makes seince.... Ah ha!"

A tadd familiar poped out of the bag and swirled around the Very Rare tadd, who did not look amused. "please excuse my brother. He does not like waiting for so long." "Well, I apologoze, but the great disaster was not my fault, you know." "Hrumph." The very rare tadd looked away.

"Oh, kay? Well, I've got to go now." Peace turned to the door. "Wait!" The rare tadd caught up to him. "It is the time of year where I must travel across terripinia to find the perfect place to stay. May I walk out of the door with you?" Peace looked at him for a moment. "Fine, why not."

As they got out of the door, Leaf, an adventerus Mulch was waiting for Peace next to the door. "there you are. don't think after not seeing you for what felt like an eternity will stop you from hanging out with me." Leaf gave him a Take-that-I-so-pwned-you look.

The tadd looked at Leaf. "what is your name?' he stuck out his hand."Leaf. What's yours?" "Mine? Oh. Croak." Leaf shook his hand.

Peace looked at Leaf. "Oh. Leaf. I'm going to need you for something." He took out a portal jammer.

"Oh... oh YES!!!" Leaf jumped up and down and snatched the jammer. "Whatever it is, if it involves blowing henchman up or knocking them off a cliff I am IN!" Croak cocked his head. "wait... what did you do?"

"Kick henchman BUTT! THAT'S what we did." Croak looked at Peace. "Seriously? Are you an advenrturer?" Peace shruged. "Well, yeah. All we did was take down the henchlord-" "Can I come with you?" Croak held his hands together with delight.

Peace looked at him again. He looked at Leaf. Then, to his suprise, a henchman 2.0 ran right at them. "Sure! Sure whatever but right now we'd better RUN!"

Please post on what you think.


Sunday, July 26, 2009

Comic Con Funkey Pictures Released!

Tada! Comic con pictures released!
And special thanks to Frogboy96 for putting it on his blog. YOu should check it out- it's really cool.

Awesome! Please comment.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Wow! Look!

PARADOX GREEN IS OUT! And! THEY ARE IN CHICAGO! NEAR WHERE I LIVE! Woah! Roco said he saw a vr tadd and vr rastro on ebay too! I have a tracker at the very bottom of my blog, and it tracks ebay for all paradox green funkeys. It really helps. Check there often!

Wow! Please post your thoughts! And neos 123242... you were right.


Tuesday, July 21, 2009


1,000 veiwers! Wow! Thank you all so much! I never knew my blog was so popular.

I wanna thank everyone who is a fan of my blog and comes here often to make this possible. And it happened in one week!

There is two new polls up, and I would like people to vote on them. Thank you everybody.


Sunday, July 19, 2009

What's wrong with hacking?

Look! I got mulch:

Awesome right? Now here's the sad part: I hacked him. Yes, I, Onewa80, hacked. For the first time. EVER. But, it's not really a mulch. It's ub. That's sad.

You may be wondering, "Hacking is bad!" or "hacking is HARD!". Accutally, no. this hack isn't hard. But yes, hacking isn't good. But not bad, either. Truthfully, I don't wanna do it again. This is a easy hack that Neos123242 and Rebsingh taught me. It is very fun and easy to make everything back to normal again. I advise you to stay away from hacks, but also, if you're bored, use them if you want to. Nothing wrong with them, except for cheating.


New Logo?

This is weird. Roco found this while surfing around the internet:

Could UB Funkeys be changing their logo? If so, why would they do that?*

*Credit to roco for finding this

Please post your thoughts on this!


Saturday, July 18, 2009

Stuff.(How many times have I said 'stuff' in my post titles?)

Ok. I never posted in a while. I'm guessing you've noticed that. That's because I have friends over who are visiting for the weekend, and leaving monday. Once they leave, everything will be normal.
See ya~
Please post,


Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Paradox green's paradox

Ok. I don't need to read your minds to know that most of you out there want Paradox Green funkeys. And I do, too. But WHEN? When are they coming out?

We have heard things about target, that they DO infact have a rack labled "Tool funkeys", which is the paradox funkeys. (I am going to target on saturday-I think 18 days after the update is plenty of time)My friend, did, though, say(He's seven, though) that he went to target and saw ubfunkeys packeging that matched my discription. Blue, oddly shaped, and big. He said yes, and he saw a funkey that had solar pannels for ears(Mulch, maybe?), he said there was only ONE left, and then he started talking about hidden realm.

And they are available for pre-order, but a radica lady said that they just put that up there cause they knew it was coming soon, but had no idea when, so it could take a long time.

If anybody has any sightings of these awesome funkeys in stores, let me know.

Please post,


Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Mulch Review!

Mulch review! First off, mulch is my FAVORITE FUNKEY! Second, for info on his game, go to Roco's blog:
Here's a mulch with a portal jammer: Here's his store. I completely forgot it's name, but it feels like it'd be 'Mulch Mart' or something.
Here's the inside of his room. See the convayor belt thet goes across the shop and the green machine there too? The peices of trash fall into the cone at the top of the contraption, and after it shakes and lights flash, a flap goes out and it turned the trash into a plant. Lol!

So, there you have it. My favorite funkey, Mulch.
P.s, If you have enough portal jammers, please challenge me to ANY games by Much OR Ace.
My username is Onewa80, obviously, and I'll put your username up here aswell as screenshots of your game.
Thank you!
Please post,

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Loot+New Funkey+Other stuff=AWESOMENESS

Look! I got a new funkey: RARE DYER! Which means...
I got Leaf and Peace in the same shot! Yay! I'm working on a banner for the storys, and I'm also curious on what's gonna win the poll over there to the right, if I should continue making Funkey troops. And, with my new LOOT, a mood with a funkey familiar is the BOMB for my funkey! Check it out:

Ok. I also want to introduce a new line of funkey coolness: PARADOX GREEN FUNKEYS WITH PORTAL JAMMERS!

I'll get more, but I'm out of jammers...
Please post,

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th o' July!

Happy 4th of July, everybody! Have fun lighting stuff on fire, Blowing stuff up and PLEASE don't hurt any animals with pop-its, firecrackers or any other stuff like that! AND NO LOOPHOLES!


Ok, This is focused on te HENCHMAN 2.0! The scariest creeps who ever lived... And! on the bright side, I got a mulch review! Ok, PICTURES!I was correct, Paradox green could be destroyed if they complete their mission. I HEREBY VOW TO STOP THEM AND SAVE PARADOX GREEN! Even though Neos123141,(Awesome person) Frogboy(Other awesome person) And Megabomble(Another awesome person) saw me be scared out of my wits about those guys, I'm gonna do something about it! *Throws stick at hencman and henchman kicks my butt* Ok, that didn't work.....
Cause the guy that fixed my computer did something to it in which I can't get anymore pictures, I can't do the mulch review. But I'll do it in the next post.
HAPPY 4th Of july!!!
Have fun blowing stuff up!
Please post,

Thursday, July 2, 2009

The Funkey Troop pt two

OK! Happy wednesday!

Read the other episode down below to know what's going on...

Peace knew that they had to do something, but what? Leaf suddenly opened a door revealing wepons shaped like henchman heads. "What the...?" Leaf said stubbling back. Peace came rushing up. "That's... that's it!" He exclamed. Before Leaf could react, Peace shoved a dozen henchman shaped charges and grenades into his backpack. Leaf looked at a rocket. It was made by the Ace, and was.... very peculiar. He went over to look. "Woah..." leaf began. Peace turned at Leaf. "Leaf! NO!!!" But it was too late. He touched the button on the rocket, which started a five second countdown. "RUN!!!!" Peace shouted. Five seconds later, the rocket stared a chain reaction and blew a hole in the side of the fortress. They ran like a waggs through hoops, but a dozen henchman 2.0 were chasing them. Peace knew there was one way. He took a hallway, sadly ditching leaf. "PEACE, YOU LITTLE-" but his mouth was covered by a henchman 2.0's hand. He was captured. But, unexpectedly, the henchman bolted to the door. The henchman's form became after a while... "Peace? What the-"

"Portal jammer. Worked faster than I thought." After a while they burst through the door. "Yagh!" Peace yelled as he hurled a henchman-head granade at the door, blocking the exit.

Peace knew he had to act fast. he started putting up charges around the fortress's ledge. "wow... pretty close call there, huh?" Leaf said, trying to change the subject. "I know. But once I hit the button on that remote, this place will explode completely, destroying TONS of henchman!" "You know, you should change your name. Peace has no realation to your personality at all." Peace smiled. "So, we should change your name then. How about 'Compost?'" Leaf chuckeled. But then the 'peace' wouldn't last. Lasers were blasting through the wreckage. It was the henchman! Peace finished setting up the charges. Knowing it would be stupid wasting time by saying something he didn't need to, his hand went for the button.

But it was too late. a henchman 2.0 swooped him up, and the remote slid across the ledge. "Now..." Leaf looked up. It was the henchlord. Such a scary voice for a robot, thought Leaf. "... come over and surrender. Or your friend... dies." Leaf thought franticly. Then he dove over at the remote, and picked it up. "Time to be recycled." He said as he hit the button. Peace got out of the grip of the startled henchman, and ran for cover. The whole fortress plummeted tword the abyss. "Nice one," said a exasperated Peace."'Time to be recycled.' But, I could've said better." "Oh really?" "Yeah, really." Suddenly, a hand appeared over the ledge. It was the henchlord! He grabbed Leaf and all three eyes of him stared directly at the scared mulch. "Get ready to meet the same fate as the rest of my henchman." Mulch silently grabbed a grenade and tried to hook it on the henchlord's belt, but the henchlord took it out of his hands. "How stupid do you think I am?" "Pretty stupid." Leaf ducked, not knowing what would happen, but he ducked. Peace flew over him and shoved a grenade right into the henchlord's head. He dropped leaf with a scream. The grenade was too deep in his circutry to get it out, and not to mention the one he was holding from Leaf. He was doomed.

He fell down with a tremendous explosion. Peace walked up to Leaf. "That was AWESOME!!!!" Leaf said with excitement. "Let's do it AGAIN!" "Can't." Peace said as a vroom familiar appeared from behind him. "Cool!" Leaf said. "Stars and I have some business with the Tadd. But, I'll catch up with you later." Peace said as he walked off. But leaf knew, it would be soon.


PaRaDoX GrEeN!
Please post,


The Funkey Troop-pt one

(playlist removed cause people don't like it. :( )Hey! To keep you all waiting for my camera to get up and running for BTMs, I thought it would be good for a 2 part series which is about FUNKEYS! And it involves paradox green. The next part will come out Wednesday, and which is also the end of it. Hope you like it! And post your thoughts below.


Leaf: A mulch

Peace: a very rare dyer

Henchlord: Secret deputy of master lox, who no one knows about.

PART ONE: The plan

Leaf looked out at the sunset. It seemed like the world meant nothing to him at that moment, even though he was a mulch. It was like a big ball of a necter's honey, and slowly melting. He missed those days when everything was peaceful. But the great disaster changed everything, and now he couldn't return to his friends in the rest of terripinia. Untill...

"Leaf! Get up and get over here!" the mulch suddenly stopped daydreaming and turned around, to find funkeys crowding around a broken portal.

Or was it?

"uh, umm, coming!" Leaf said. He got up and ran tword the sea of funkeys.

He heard them saying, "is it really true?" or "It can't be!" He finnaly burst through the crowd to see...

"The funkeystown portal? How???" Leaf wondered as he stared in awe. Then it struk him. He could return to his friends! He could return and relax!

One by one funkeys entered the portal, with bright smiles on their faces. But, a familiar face came through the portal. he was a Very rare dyer, who was the biggest adventurer in daydream oasis, and used a portal jammer to get into the realm. The jammer he was holding looked rusted, bleak and the three bulbs on it were broken. That was because he used it, but the dyer had pleanty more.

"Excuse me! Out of my way! Let me through!!!" The dyer pushed and shoved to get through the crowd, heading for the tadd pad.

Leaf stared at what he had seen. He couldn't believe it. That was Peace, who was a coragious adventurer, and leaf's best friend. It took a moment for leaf to get a hold of himself, and ran as fast as he could after his friend.

Suddenly, the dyer was walking along one of the many cracks in the surface, like mini canyons. Peace was struggling to keep his ballence, but lost his footing and plunged tword the abyss.

Leaf gasped and ran harder. Maybe he could just make it! Just a little bit closer... Come on! Faster!!! Faster!!! Leaf thought as he began to tire. He reached for the dyer's hand, hoping to snatch it up....

Yes!!! Leaf just barely caught Peace, and quickly Crabbed ahold of the grass on the surface. The mulch pulled peace up, they recodnized each other instantly.

"Leaf???? No way! Is that you???" Peace said in astonishment. "Yeah, it's me. you're welcome, by the way." Both funkeys hugged. "How have things been in daydream oasis? Ever found what the mysterious button does yet?" "No. It's such a mystery! Hence the name." "Sounds great. Stuff has been boring here, though. Those henchman showed up, stealing coins from everyone! And the gnomon tree it dieing, so that's worse news. I'm almost broke!" Leaf as he took a deep sigh. Peace looked down the cavern.

"Well, in daydream oasis, we..." His voice trailed off. He kept staring down at the abyss. "Peace? Uhh, are you OK?" "Look... look at that fortress..." Leaf looked at the funkey's face and saw that he was using binoculars. Leaf took them and looked, too. It was perched on a ledge that looks like it'd fall down at any moment, but there was a huge forgtess, with the new henchman sorrounding it in all places.

"Woah. That's creepy. Isn't it, Peace? Peace?" The dyer was no where to be found.
Leaf looked at the other side of the canyon. Peace was already there.He put down a grappling hook and was ready to slide down it.

"PEACE!!!" Leaf yelled as he ran over the bridge to the other side of the canyon, and grabbed the dyer before he slid down.

"Are you CRAZY? What are you doing?" Leaf yelled at him. "WE GOTTA do SOMETHING! We can't just let that fortress down there do whatever it's evil deeds are!!" Leaf stared at peace, then the fortress, then back at peace. "Fine." Leaf said. "Let's do it, but I don't wanna die."

The two funkeys slid down the rope, as Peace grabbed out 2 portal jammers. he handed one to leaf, and instantly turned into a henchman 2.0. They passed unharmed and made it to a room with henchman and a Bigger, stronger and Bulkyer henchman which looked horrifying. IT struck fear to whoever didn't like henchman.

"The Henchlord." Peace said in a mad voice. "The deputy of master lox. We get him out of the picture, it will be easyer to stop master lox!" Leaf looked at Peace like he just said he had to go to the bathroom at a time like this. "Uhh, let's get out of here." Leaf said as he went for a door. "No, wait!!" Peace was able to hear what the henchloard was saying. "This fortress is the perfect battle machine. Once we get this thing running, it will kill the roots of the gnomon tree, destroying Paradox Green!" Peace knew he had to do something, but what?


Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Paradox green theroy

ok... I was searching around on the chat stuff, and found this:" I know how to save the Gnoman tree!" And I saw pictures with the henchman 2.0 sorrounding a weird looking tree....(Credit to flagster for the picture) Is that the gnomon tree??? has that tree been good, but the henchman turned it evil? And they could destroy paradox green if they do???? That's just an idea, but I wonder...
