Friday, August 21, 2009

I GOT MULCH AND TADD and info on party

YES! Now, I have 2 paradox green funkeys! And to celebrate, I'm hosting a party at my crib(I'll rotate people out) with people on my buddys list, and then we'll move to some chat rooms, and that stuff. I'll post reviews on them later. I'm very sorry guys, I just have A LOT going on in my real life. Oh, I almost forgot: The party's Wednesday, August 26, and it starts at 6:00 Central time and ends at 7:00 Central time. Sorry, I was thinking of it to be 2 hours but that's just too much. Also,(I'll put it up tuesday) I will put a little "Twitter" thing for the party, like, saying "It's time to go to holler chat!" or that stuff. Or saying "Let's al play hide and seek!" or whatever. I'll rotate the people out of my crib and back, so if it says I kicked you out, sorry, but I would like other people to see it to. All of you will see my crib more than once...
So yeah, that's pretty much it.

Also, check out my youtube channel. It has really cool videos, and I might post them here from time to time.
Please comment,



Skullamanjaro Lover said...

finally you got pg funkeys!

Amber said...

What store did you find mulch at?! Could you add us to your buddy list? SKYLERSA, my boys would love to come to the party!

Onewa80 said...

Lol, I got mulch from ebay! :D And I got tadd (I also got rastro- I should really put that up) at target. The packaging look really weird! It's all flat, and is nothing like the other funkey packaging.


400Star said...

whats going on with the party? Did it just kind of die out?