Wednesday, August 12, 2009


I got mulch off of ebay! Which you should already know from my earlier post.


Awesome! (Yes, I know that 18 bucks is a lot but I do have a lot of extra money and it is my favroite funkey and it IS from akaabby so, oh well. worth it)

Once I get mulch (August 20 or 21) I'm hosting a Paradox green party. You don't need a paradox green figure to come. My buddy list is very full, so I'm gonna have to delete some guys. Better hurry and get on muy buddys list while you can. I'm always on ub funkeys(Try around 2 o'clock central time) cause I'm probobly always on then. My garage is a replica of paradox green, which a couple people who have seen it think it's very cool.

Official date of party will be released when I get mulch.

Please post,



Fallen Soldier said...

cool, getting right on it.

Anonymous said...
