Thursday, January 15, 2009

MLN help!

Okay, I got the stinger oath:

Now what? vorox won't take it.
Could someone please trade a thornax stew for the red pearls? If you do, I'll try to post what happens next...
(okay, it's dumb offer but I really would like to see what happens next... or your stews back!)

Ps, It's a snow day for me! yay! why am I underlineing this?!?!?!?


Anonymous said...

You have to send it to Raanu in the mail and he'll give you a lv 1 bionical badge and the instructions for going to get the lv. 2 one hope it helps.
-Funk on

Onewa80 said...

yes! thanks!!!!!1


frogboy 96/ vlurp111 said...

Lucky, I haven't had a snow day or delay in 4 years. Though this year I got an early dismisle, and almost one today!

Squiddy said...


Onewa80 said...

My Lego Network.


Anonymous said...

dude thanks sooo much for teh help.
also, i get like snow day every year and early dismissal per month average 1.5 per month. also you spelled dismissal wrong. it's d-i-s-m-i-s-s-a-l.

Anonymous said...

oh yeash, how u get rank 4 SPA badge?