Monday, January 26, 2009

Basket ball-ness!

Well, I may have not told you, but I'm on my school's basketball team. (My dad's the coach!) And, today, I just made my first basket of the whole season! (Or the whole time I've been playing basket ball- 2 years.) So, yay. And my grandparents were there to see it. Please post!



Anonymous said...

Oh, congrats!!!! I thought of playing but I didn't I like playing but not the pressure and when they yell at you when you miss. Anyway congrats I wish I coulda saw but well cross the country...
-Funk on

frogboy 96/ vlurp111 said...

Awsome job dude! And your dad is the coach?! My uncle Craig is the coach on my cousin's basket ball team (his son of course).

Sammy said...

hay i play basketball to :D

Onewa80 said...

Cool, Sammy!
