Monday, February 23, 2009

Summer\Now toy fair review by BZPower

Hey. Here's a review from BZPower that they made at the toy fair. Here it is, GIVE EVERY LITTLE BIT OF CREDIT TO THEM.

In this area were a few large display cases filled with new sets, and again Bionicle had one dedicated to it. One shelf had the Winter sets, a second had the upcoming Summer sets, and the third had the vehicles and other large sets.

Once inside, I found the Bionicle, like Star Wars, had an entire wall of the booth dedicated to it. On display were, of course the Agori and the Glatorians. Not much new to see here, but take a look anyway.

Of course the main attraction were the new Glatorian Legends sets as well as this summer's vehicles. We'll give you a closer look at these sets later, but here's a glimpse for now.

That's all for tonight's update, hope you enjoyed it. More coverage will follow soon!


Please post,



Squiddy said...

My fav agori is Zesk!

Onewa80 said...

Uhh... Seriously?


Gresh96 said...

Totally not Zesk. I like Metus, Berix, and Raanu. Atakus is Ok.

Bioduel said...

I like...MATA NUI!