I went to tarduk34's page(thank you tarduk) and clicked on his bonehunter trap modual, and got BONEHUNTER BLADESS!!!!! oh, yeah, pteprocks told me about it...
Which one: 13 Status: pictures(Taking break) Type: Action Crucitalness to the storyline: Very crutial 80's Thoughts: Can you say, "here's sand in your eye?" Teaser: Metus: I CAN'T SEE!!!! Berix: If you let go of your grip you're DEAD!
AHEM!!! I'm the one who told you the bladed were available, and I don't get any credit? It makes it sound like it's your discovery... :(
Hey check out my blog. I got a score of 205 on disc drop!
And I'll tell them, ptep.
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