Saturday, December 20, 2008

Double Update and Weird Markings.

So, I logged on to funkeys and It told me that I was currently running update 4.5, and it wanted me to download it again. It said it's take 0 minutes and 0... whatever. when I clicked yes, it immediatle went to "lets go", and nothing changed. What the heck?

And, because the speed racer portal and angus manner came from markings on the wall, I decided to check out the other markings.
Here's one that I found near the lotus sanctuary:
Here's a drawing I found near there:
And here's my dyer freaking out by Angus stalking him:
Run, Dyer! Run!
See ya later,



Anonymous said...

That always happens to me I wonder why?
-Funk on

Chobots is AWESOME said...

what i that chest on the left of ze last image

Onewa80 said...

Umm, It's part of the 4.5 funkey trunk update.
