Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Blackest Hole!

Yes! Truns out, that you don't need the funkey to get the item to beat the henchman! Here are the pictures:

And I won mulch off of ebay! And I won it from AKAABBY! Awesomeness!
I'll post about mulch later. I've been behind things, so I'll do it tommorow.
Please post,(Credit to Bn28 for challenging me to the game)


Zoomix said...

Nice! I still have a lot of playing to to till I get those.

Onewa80 said...

He quit the game when I was winning. I think when your opponent quits, you get it.


Skullamanjaro Lover said...

lots of fools quit when i play a mp game after but not people here.

and i rather get the funkey to get the items not playing mp.